I have succesufl run tidal-connect on kodi box to Spdif output, very nice for listing music .
There are lot of very cheap box around 20-30$/€ can for run CoreElec with SPDIF, very useful for Hi-fi music.
I following this step,but mybe not work for all device:
Fist install docker from kodi addon
Second on SSH:
install Entware
Install git
opkg install git
opkg install git-http
A workaround is to run docker-compose through a docker ,Instructions:cd /storagemkdir /storage/bincurl -L --fail https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-docker-compose/master/run.sh -o /storage/bin/docker-composechmod +x /storage/bin/docker-composecp /etc/profile /storage/.profileecho “export PATH=/storage/bin/:$PATH” >> /storage/.profilecd /storage/bin./docker-compose
after start go to https://github.com/GioF71/tidal-connect for info about installa docker
cd /storage
git clone https://github.com/GioF71/tidal-connect.git
cd $HOME/tidal-connect
git pull
To force SPDIF out put i need to chance the file /tidal-connect/bin/entrypoint.sh , default audio is analog output (hw:0,0).
fist check audio device with command:
aplay -l
SPDIF in mine case is "AML-MESONAUDIO: - (hw:0,1)"
so i change to entrypoint.sh like this
cd /storage/bin/./docker-compose -f /storage/tidal-connect/docker-compose.yaml up -d
now have some fun Music!